Practise areas

Our Law firm provides representation and legal consulting services to natural and legal persons in all areas of law;

Criminal law, international criminal law and misdemeanor law

Members of our firm represent persons charged with minor and more serious criminal acts and offences before national and international courts, as well as minors in criminal proceedings.

Civil law

Our team of lawyers provides counseling and representation services before court to natural and legal persons in a complex area of civil law such as:

-Law of obligations, being one of the oldest legal disciplines and representing a branch in the general system of positive law, by which relations of obligation are managed.

-Property law, as a part of the civil law, managing the transfer of ownership in case of both immovable and movable property, disturbance of possession, establishing the right of easement and others,

-Inheritance lawwhich, as a part of the civil law, regulates the issue of distribution of property after death. The principles of the inheritance law regulates the inheritance process probate proceedings, making a testament, conclusion of life long care contract and contract of distribution of property during lifetime and others.

-Family law, which regulates special relations within the family, as well as the relations between the family and the society. koje reguliše posebene odnose unutar porodice, kao i odnose porodice i društva. Within this area of the civil law, we provide counseling services for dovirces, relations between spouses, relations between parents and children, legal support, adoption and guardianship, determination of paternity/maternity.

-Media law, which is a part of the civil law that regulates the field of public information, establishing and organisation of public information media and the liability of media for publishing incomplete or false information.

-Intelectual property rights which are divided into to major groups: copyright and rights related to the copyright on one side and industrial property rights (inventions related law: patents, utility models, integrated circuit topographies, new plant varieties, know-how; trademark law: trademarks, names of origin and geographical indications, business name; and competition law:  fighting unfair competition).

Commercial law

Our Law firm provides representation and legal consulting services to legal persons, from the estabilishing to registration to closure of business entities before the Agency for Business Registers, as well as representation of business entities before the commercial courts and courts of general jurisdiction.

We also provide legal consulting services related to drafting and singing all types of contracts from the commercial law domain.

Administrative law

Our Law firm provides consulting and representation services in the field of administrative law before the state administration bodies (related to police, inspection, communal and construction processes) and before the Administrative Court.

Constitutional law

Our Law fir provides representation and legal consulting services to natural and legal persons who believe that their constitutional rights have been denied and violated and it provides the representation services before the Constitutional Court in proceedings of constitutional complaints and requests for assessment of the constitutionality and legality of legal acts.